

What is it that makes a young person so depressed?

Why the Concord with the family decreases?

His life, family, career and so many other questions but where the solution is?

Why the youth can't reach to his goal?

Why his progress is hindered?

This Person

Drupad's family is associated with the world of education. Since childhood many students and their parents used to come at his house with their parents.Drupad used to see, hear and understand all this.

Drupad has been bond of reading books since childhood. This broad reading contributes a lot to his mental development.

From childhood days,he had ability to present his own magnificent ideas.which brought success for him in many elocution competition.

When Drupad was in 12th std . First time he conduct seminar of "know yourself" for his classmate.

He was not very clever in study, he was ordinary in the marksheet-based teaching. At that time he fond that a lot of people around him who even do not know why they studies.

In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, she is also a supportive, role model, friend, relationship, educator and mentor to young people. People love and admire him for his great mission of making everyone believe in himself.

Drupad also wanted to get up fast , for which he tried many fields like marketing, designing ,hotel management but he did not get expected success.

He completed his M.Sc (physics),P.G.D.B.A, C.M.T Diploma in Bhagvat Geeta.Outside of this formal education system, his interest his need.... Infuition startes to teach him a new subject. Name of that subject is "Life".

In addition to being a successful entrepreneur,he is a mentor,role model. Friend of youth,relationship adviser,and motivatior. People love and admire him for his mission to make everyone believe in themselves that "I m Capable"